

Ways to Give

Make a One-Time or Monthly Donation

Make a one-time or monthly gift by clicking the button below, by phone, or by mail. Donating is quick, easy, secure, and you will be helping provide financial assistance to eligible individuals seeking treatment through our Patient Assistance Fund and Young Adult Treatment Fund.  You may also choose to support our Recovery Rewards Fund, or Capital Improvement Fund. We welcome you to make your gift as a tribute or memorial.

Please note that our payment processor charges a fee that you can choose to cover as part of your donation to National Capital Treatment & Recovery.

Other Ways to Give

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs)

To make your gift through a Donor-Advised Fund, provide our identification (EIN) number is 54-0805530 to your sponsoring financial institution or community foundation.

Gifts of Stock

A gift of stock is simple and we’re here to guide you through the process. For details, click here .


We invite you to include National Capital Treatment & Recovery in your estate plan. A bequest is one of the most meaningful methods of leaving a planned gift to a nonprofit organization. For suggested bequest language, click here.

Event Sponsorships

Event Sponsorships provide exclusive benefits and recognition to businesses and individual supporters. The program revolves around an annual calendar of events throughout the year. 

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are 70 ½ or older and have a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you are eligible to make a gift from your IRA to National Capital Treatment & Recovery. The QCD amount is not taxed, however you are unable to claim the amount as a charitable tax deduction. Consult your financial advisor or IRA financial institution for detailed instructions.

For more information about any of these Ways to Give, contact :

Jared Husketh, MSW

Director of Donor & Community Relations



For assistance, contact:

Jared Husketh, MSW

Director of Donor & Community Relations
